Destroying mosquitoes : Is it Possible ?

Kill mosquito naturally

Once I have watched a documentary in Discovery saying that mosquitoes are one of the reason for the extinct of Dinosaurs.

Scientists: Biting Insects May Have Killed Off Dinosaurs

No surprise , if Human Beings become extinct because of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are powerful. They spread harmful viruses very fast. The diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chikunguniya are real threatening to human society..

On the other hand, they are one of the species that proved the capability of survival of the fittest. They survived for ages , from the age of dinosaurs to the age of human.

Now in a positive perspective..Can we make mosquitoes extinct from the world.
Yes Mosquitoes can be made extinct. 

But the age we are living now are willing to see money in everything.

Mosquitoes are used as money making species by some corporate industries.. They produce products to repel mosquitoes and not to kill them. This clearly indicates that they want to do business through mosquitoes. 

So even if one group try to destroy this species, another may do evil kind of thing in favor of mosquitoes.

If we want to destroy mosquito, the first step that should be taken is avoiding stagnant waters and closing the covering storage area in houses.